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Health Partnership Capacity Development Programme

A comprehensive programme to strengthen Health Partnerships.

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Programme Overview

The Health Partnership Capacity Development programme will work with Health Partnerships across the UK who are working in partnership with health institutions and those delivering health related projects in UK Aid Direct eligible countries. This twoyear programme has been funded by the UK Aid Direct Small Charities Challenge Fund (SCCF). 

The programme will strengthen the capacity and improve resilience of small international-focussed Health Partnerships in the UK to deliver their strategic objectives through a comprehensive capacity development programme which will include participatory workshops and online tools and resources. Through this approach, the programme will aim to enable eligible organisations to better demonstrate their impact and successfully mobilise funds, thereby supporting increased sustainability and scale up of reach and impact. The project will benefit partners and beneficiaries. 


The Health Partnership Capacity Development programme takes a holistic approach and will guide successful applicants through a process to assess their capacity development needs which will be underpinned by THET’s Principles of Partnership. This will include training workshops and mentorship scheme to improve their capacity to deliver quality health partnership projects.  

Each partnership will be assigned a mentor, who will support their development action plans and accompany them at intervals throughout the project to support them in achieving their goals. Partnerships will be supported to establish active networks for learning and peer to peer support throughout the lifetime of the programme.

Partnerships will also be invited to participate in a series of practical and interactive capacity development workshops focusing on their identified needs to equip and motivate them to take forward specific capacity development activities within their Partnerships. 

Mutual learning should be an important element of all partnerships involved in this programme, with knowledge flowing between the UK and low-and middle-income country (LMIC) institutions. Partnerships must ensure exchange in learning is documented and, where possible, the learning is implemented.  

Eligibility and Requirements

Applicants must be:

  • Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) registered in the UK that work through a health partnership approach with an LMIC, registered with the relevant UK Charity Commission or Companies House,
  • Or be part of an NHS Trust that supports partnership activity,
  • Or be part of an Higher Education Institute that supports partnership activity.

The Partnership must have an annual income of under £400,000 (We are now able to include Health Partnerships that are hosted in large NHS Trusts where the partnership activity has an annual income under £400,000)


  • If your partnership works in one, or more, of the following UK Aid Direct eligible LMICs then you are eligible to apply  so long as other eligibility requirements are met 
  • Applications must be made in English. Unfortunately, THET cannot accept applications written in other languages.