Home / Principles of Partnership / Incorporating a GESI approach
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Incorporating a GESI approach

Health Partnerships consider unequal power relations and inequalities experienced by individuals as a result of their social identities and conduct GESI activities and analysis to ensure GESI is mainstreamed into organizations, programmes, interventions and activities.

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Hallmarks of good practice

Partnerships identify groups at risk of marginalization, vulnerability, and exclusion to target within their projects.

Partnerships identify groups at risk of marginalization, vulnerability, and exclusion to target within their projects.

Partnerships incorporate GESI related activities into planning, delivery and review of programmes, interventions, and services.

Partnerships incorporate GESI related activities into planning, delivery and review of programmes, interventions, and services

Partnerships collect and analyse data disaggregated by relevant social stratifiers to inform planning, delivery, review, and monitoring of programmes and services.

Partnerships collect and analyse data disaggregated by relevant social stratifiers to inform planning, delivery, review, and monitoring of programmes and services (sex, age, disability, etc.)

Partnerships ensure meaningful participation of key groups in planning, delivery, review and monitoring of programmes and services.

Partnerships ensure meaningful participation of key groups in planning, delivery, review and monitoring of programmes and services