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News and Blog

News, events and stories from across the health partnership community. We would love to hear from you! If you have an idea for a piece or an account from a trip please contact our Communications Team: comms@thet.org

Our 2018 WHA Round-Up

It was no surprise to see that universal health coverage (UHC) was the thread that ran through the Assembly’s proceedings and the many formal and informal side events....

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The Voluntary Nurses Saving Lives in Sierra Leone

One of the highlights of the trip was our visit to an RCPCH project which trains nurses in the delivery of ETAT+ training in paediatric triage and emergency care....

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The Royal College of Midwives: Journeys in midwifery twinning 2012-2018

The Global Midwifery Twinning Project (GMTP) was a three-year multi-country partnership in the THET Health Partnership Scheme from 2012 to 2015. ...

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“Community Health Workers (CHWs) will bridge the gap between the community and the formal health sector.”

In Tanzania, THET, in partnership with the Benjamin Mkapa HIV/AIDS Foundation and the Ministry of Health is working to train CHWs....

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THET Spotlight: World Health Day – UHC

More than half of the world’s more than 7.3 billion people do not receive the essential package of health services they need....

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#BeBoldForChange (one year on)

On 7 March 2017, we made the commitment to become more conscious about how our work at THET is advancing gender equality....

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Partnerships beyond ticking boxes: working with the private sector to further global health

It is estimated that over 40 million people are in need of palliative care every year, 78% of whom are in low and middle income countries....

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The Essential Role of Surgery in Achieving Universal Health Coverage

Surgery cuts across nearly all aspects of health including conditions such as obstructed labor and traumatic injuries....

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Global Surgery – The ‘neglected stepchild of global health’

Global surgery, the ‘neglected stepchild of global health’, remains a looming health crisis within low and middle income countries....

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The NHS shouldn’t despair: We are a beacon for healthcare worldwide

Despite its current well-publicised problems, the NHS in its 70th anniversary year remains a shining example to the world on how to build an equitable health system....

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From healthworker shortfall to collective commitment. A week at the Human Resources for Health Forum in Dublin.

Over 1000 delegates from around the world met to reinforce a collective commitment to developing and making available the workforce required to deliver the SDGs....

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THET’s Response to the Dublin Declaration 2017

THET supports the spirit of the ‘Declaration on Human Resources for Health: Building the Health Workforce of the Future’ made at the HRH Forum 2017...

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